Modern Slavery Act
Transparency Statement

Emu Analytics helps organisations create better places, services and communities through the use of location-based products and services.

We are committed to ensuring that we implement all the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and take care to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not exist at Emu Analytics or in any part of our supply chains.

We can state that we have no slavery, forced labour or human trafficking within our organisation, but we recognise the need to be vigilant both within Emu Analytics and in relation to the partners we work with.

We do not wish to work with any business that is knowingly involved with any form of slavery or human trafficking as part of its operations. We have identified that the main risks for Emu Analytics are as an employer, but also in the partner organisations we deal with.

Our Policy

Our Executive Management Team will take responsibility for implementing this statement and its objectives. They will ensure that adequate resources are in place to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act.This statement has been prepared as part of the transparency requirements of section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It will be reviewed and published annually.